The modification was proposed by the Igúzquiza Town Council, which considers that the lands of the Montejurra Singular Landscape are worthy of special protection due to their environmental, scenic, cultural and symbolic importance. The current regulations on undeveloped land do not specify the regulation of environmental and landscape values in the municipality.
The action is included within the regulatory development and the change of sensitivity regarding the protection of the territory, the environment and the landscape. This change in the regulatory framework has been brought about by an evolution in the conception of the landscape, which has come to be considered as a common good and therefore an element to be protected and managed by the administrations.
The municipal objectives are:
- Proteger la calidad escénica del conjunto
- Avoid occupation of the land with activities or infrastructures that could alter its visual quality
- Favour the management of the diversity of current uses (environmental and productive forest, forest-cultivation mosaic) and respect for the most natural values (rocky areas), as well as the traditional means of urban-rural relations
- Encourage respectful management of the territory by promoting the network of traditional and historical paths and activities linked to the natural-cultural environment, such as hiking
- Protect the landscape by avoiding the implementation of uses and infrastructures with negative visual impacts; seeking the integration of areas affected by infrastructures and activities that degrade the landscape
- Adopt corrective measures with actions aimed at correcting the effects and improving the landscape, such as: correction of slopes, reforestation or recovery of paths
The final objective is that it continues to be a symbolic landmark and a reference point for the people of its surroundings and, in particular, its historical and cultural value, improving knowledge and disseminating the heritage of traditional uses and the historical events that took place in Montejurra.
The modification includes the delimitation of the Singular Landscape and the urban planning regime applicable in this area (definition of subcategories of land and criteria for authorising uses and activities on undeveloped land). The proposal includes: the analysis of the Singular Landscape, the identification of the landscape values and effects in the area.